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Programming Methodology With Java

Lecture 1/2

a) Introduction to Programming language types and paradigms

b) Computer programming Hierarchy and architecture

c) Java designing goals, features

d) Introduction to JVM

Lecture 3/4

a) The Java Environment, Installation guide java

b) Java source file structure, Compilation and execution

c) Basic Language elements: tokens, identifiers, keywords

d) Basic Language elements: Comments, primitive datatypes, operator assignment

Lecture 5/6

a) Obejct Oriented programming

b) Introduction to classes and Objects

c) Constuctor and initialization code block, access control

d) Inner classes and anonymous classes

e) Abstract class and interfaces defining methods

f) Argument passing, methos overloading, Recursion

g) Use of "this" reference

Lecture 7/8

a) Extending Classes and Inheritance

b) Benefits of Inheritance in OOP

c) Types of Inheritance in Java

d) Inheriting Data member and Methods

e) Role of Constuctor in Inheritance

f) Overriding super class methods

g) Polymorphism in Inheritance

h) Type Compatibility and Conversion Implementing interfaces

Lecture 9/10

a) Package

b) Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages

c) Package as Access Protection , Defining Package

d) CLASSPATH Setting for Packages

e) Making JAR Files for Library Packages Import and Static Import Naming Convention For Packages

Lecture 11/12

a) Exception Handeling

b) The Idea behind Exception ,Exceptions & Errors

c) Types of Exception ,Control Flow In Exceptions

d) JVM reaction to Exceptions

e) Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling

f) In-built and User Defined Exceptions, Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions

Lecture 13/14

a) Array and String

b) Defining an Array, Initializing & Accessing Array

c) Multi–Dimensional Array

d) Operation on String

e) Using Collection Bases Loop for String

f) Tokenizing a String, Creating Strings using StringBuffer

g) Understanding Threads

h) Thread Life-Cycle, Thread Priorities ,Synchronizing Threads, Inter Communication of Threads ,Critical Factor in Thread –DeadLock

Lecture 15/16

a) GUI Programming

b) Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java

c) Components and Containers, Basics of Components, Using Containers

d) Layout Managers, AWT Components, Adding a Menu to Window

e) Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components

f) The Collection Framework : Collections of Objects , Collection Types, Sets , Sequence, Map

g) Understanding Hashing, Use of ArrayList & Vector

Lecture 17/18

a) Event-Driven Programming in Java, Event- Handling Process

b) Event-Handling Mechanism, The Delegation Model of Event Handling

c) Event Classes, Event Sources, Event Listeners, Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling

d) Introduction to JDBC,JDBC Drivers & Architecture

e) CURD operation Using JDBC, Connecting to non-conventional Databases

f) Java Server Technologies Servlet, Web Application Basics

g) Introduction to servlet, Servlet life cycle

h) Developing and Deploying Servlets, Exploring Deployment

i) Descriptor (web.xml), Handling Request and Response

Gandhi Hills,
Manas Mandir P.O,
Maharashtra 442005

Founded: 8 January 1997
Affiliation: University Grants Commission


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